Comprehensive company ranking NICES
There is a listed comprehensive company ranking called NICES created mainly by Nihon Keizai Shimbun. The NICES evaluates corporate social responsibility (CSR) using five aspects: investors, consumers and business partners, employees, society, and potential. Each score is an integer value between 20 and 200. The NICES is a comprehensive company ranking based on the total score.
Ranking by the total score
On December 9, 2010, and November 29, 2013, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun published the NICES up to the 300th with each score of the five aspects, adding radar charts for the top eight. As for the top eight in 2010, Table 1 and Figure 1 show the total scores and the radar charts.
Table 1 The total score on the top eight in NICES 2010.
Rank | Company | The total score |
1 | キャノン | 880 |
2 | ホンダ | 868 |
3 | 武田 | 861 |
4 | NTTドコモ | 857 |
5 | KDDI | 851 |
6 | 資生堂 | 832 |
7 | パナソニック | 831 |
8 | コマツ | 827 |
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Figure 1 Radar charts by the total score ranking.
License number 30087640 Nihon Keizai Shimbun 2010/12/09
If you look at the radar charts in descending order, you will notice that the correspondence between the rank and the radar chart is strange. Radar charts convey the overall characteristics represented by shape and size. In other words, how well the score of each aspect is balanced and how large the score is. It is hard to convey with the total score.
As for radar charts in the descending order of the total score, we feel it strange the rank has not agreed with the shape and size of the radar chart. It leads us to question the ranking and confuse our understanding.
These five aspects of the NICES are related to CSR. The purpose can be considered as an estimation of the CSR effort toward a sustainable society. In addition, it is necessary to make efforts to obtain high scores in all aspects. It is inferred to show radar charts of the top eight to confirm the above.
Let’s rank the top eight by RADAR CHART POWER (RC-POWER) ®, which is an index of the power that corresponds to whether a radar chart has well-balanced high scores. Table 2 and Figure 2 show the RC-POWER and the radar charts, respectively.
Figure 2 shows the radar charts in descending order of how well each radar chart has well-balanced high scores. This order agrees with one of our observations and does not cause us a strange impression. This ranking will be acceptable.
Table 2 Ranking by the RC-POWER.
Rank | Company | RC-POWER (%) |
1 | キャノン | 86.80 |
2 | 武田 | 85.52 |
3 | KDDI | 84.50 |
4 | ホンダ | 83.97 |
5 | NTTドコモ | 83.60 |
6 | コマツ | 82.42 |
7 | 資生堂 | 82.15 |
8 | パナソニック | 73.54 |
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Figure 2 Radar charts by the RC-POWER ranking.
You can see that the RC-POWER represents how well a radar chart has well-balanced high scores. The RC-POWER is a calculated percentage based on the radar chart, where all items have the perfect score. For the 5-item radar chart, you can calculate RC-POWER by Let’s ask for RC-POWER.
Therefore, RC-POWER can indicate the degree to which companies are unbiased and enthusiastic about their CSR, and this ranking is the order of unbiased enthusiasm.
Fulfilling Corporate Social Responsibility
Figure 3 shows the total scores and the RC-POWER for the top eight companies in 2010 and 2013.
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Figure 3 Total score and the RC-POWER for the top eight companies.
The top companies in both years are ranked first on both the total score and the RC-POWER. After the second, the ranks are not the same on the total score and the RC-POWER. In some cases, the total score is almost the same, but there is a significant difference in the RC-POWER.
Though the total score and the RC-POWER were calculated for the company, there suggests a difference between each characteristic. Therefore, the ranked concept differs between the total score and the RC-POWER.
For more information about RC-POWER rankings, see Rankings by RC-POWER.
Fulfillment of CSR must achieve high scores in multiple aspects in a balanced manner. Radar charts are suitable to confirm it visually.
The RC-POWER is a suitable index to confirm quantitatively and a powerful guide to unbiased commitment to CSR. Because the RC-POWER is an index of how well a radar chart has well-balanced high scores.
For company management to realize a sustainable society, it is necessary to set a goal-matched score in a balanced manner for each of the multiple aspects.
The RC-POWER and the total scores allow you to calculate the required score for each aspect toward the set goal. Contact us for more information on how to set scores to meet effort goals. For inquiries on it, please click here.